Desford Climate Change Group

Energy and Travel

  • Insulate, insulate, insulate
  • Exclude draughts to reduce energy use
  • Install solar panels to generate own energy –   feed in tariff no longer available for new installations but now economically viable without the feed in tariff.
  • Buy an electric vehicle – issues:
          • high initial cost
          • running cost 1/3 that of petrol
          • range now improving
          • shortage of charging points (SID installed first 2 locally in Borough – March 2021)
  • Install LED lights & solar lights
  • Limit air travel – take the train where appropriate
  • Wear a jumper and turn thermostat to 18˚
  • Car sharing wherever possible
  • Cycle, walk, public transport
  • Better local transport – buses
  • Reopen train station/Ivanhoe Line
  • Electric trains, not diesel
  • Use the iron less often
  • Land based and off shore turbines
  • Buy A rated devices  (note new scales now out subdividing old A rating)
  • Solar farms ( 2 already within Desford Parish)

“The Science is clear. And all we children are doing is communicating and acting on that united science” Greta Thunberg 23.7.19



Desford Free Church
Chapel Lane, Desford




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