Desford Climate Change Group

Garden and Wildlife


Grow plants from seed

Use peat-free compost

Grow fruit and vegetables

Plant trees

Prune trees and plants at the right time

Grow more drought-friendly plants

Use natural fertilisers and mulch

Create a compost heap

Use the brown bin

Use a manual lawnmower

Use hand tools if possible

Install water butts and water storage to use in dry weather and recycle grey water

Use permeable paving to help prevent flooding 

Stop using weedkiller – weed by hand and let selected weeds grow to attract insects

Stop using slug pellets which can kill hedgehogs

Encourage natural predators instead of using pesticides

Encourage wildlife, birds and insects with – 

  • a pond with easy access for creatures to get in and out
  • well stocked bird feeders
  • bird/bat/insect boxes
  • log piles
  • leaf piles
  • a wide variety of plants
  • messy areas
  • wildflowers
  • gaps in fences for hedgehogs to move between gardens

“The Science is clear. And all we children are doing is communicating and acting on that united science” Greta Thunberg 23.7.19



Desford Free Church
Chapel Lane, Desford




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