Desford Climate Change Group


  • Install water butts to collect rainwater.
  • Always replace washers on dripping taps.
  • Only fill kettle for actual needs.
  • Use residue warm water from kettle for washing up.
  • Wash up less frequently, if possible.
  • When brushing teeth, turn tap on and off.
  • Take showers in preference to baths, if possible (4 mins)
  • Fit dual flush toilets.
  • Put a brick in the toilet cistern.
  • Use the shortest, lowest temperature wash cycle, when you can.
  • When drawing off hot water from your taps, collect and make use of the early tepid water.
  • Wash the car yourself, rather than using a car wash.
  • Consider whether it might be possible to use grey water for flushing the toilets. Community buildings? DFC?
  • Only use dishwasher for full loads and make use of Eco settings.
  • To limit water use in the garden use mulches.
  • In hot conditions use waste household water for watering needy plants.
  • In summer fill a jug with drinking water and keep in the fridge, to save on running the tap to access cool water.
  • When cleaning in the home, e.g. floors, make up smaller quantities, rather than wasting water.
  • Arrange to be on a water meter, if you are not already.

“The Science is clear. And all we children are doing is communicating and acting on that united science” Greta Thunberg 23.7.19



Desford Free Church
Chapel Lane, Desford




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