Welcome to Green Lives Green Planet website
We are a local Desford Climate Change Action Group open to everyone. We aim to;-
- Inform ourselves
- Raise awareness of the issues
- Encourage and enable appropriate lifestyles
- Challenge actions which endanger our very existence and our planet
Our meetings for the year are as listed. We will be planning future actions particularly in light of Green September current issues. We have launched our website and look forward to being back to our monthly meetings and our Freebie table Coffee mornings where you can refill your containers with eco products from Next Generation from Market Bosworth.
Please get in touch with articles ideas and comments at mail@greenlivesgreenplanet.org
Diary 2023
Our current programme plan is shown below;
January 25th Meat Free Diet
February 22nd Warm Homes Action
March 22nd Britain’s Waterways can we make and keep them clean?
May24th RSPB Gardens for birds
June 28 Leicestershire Wildlife Trust visit
July 26th Water power, an underused resource?
September 27th New ideas in Farming
October 25 Tree planting
November 22 Public Transport – public service and environment issue
RE-USE RECYCLE… help save our planet
Have you got good quality things you no longer need?
Green Lives Green Planet will be having “A FREEBIE TABLE” MORNING on a Saturday later on this year. Bring along anything you no longer need and see if there is anything that you might like or need that others have brought…. Children’s toys, clothes or anything else. Anything not taken you must take home. In Desford Free church.
There’s coffee, cake and good music to fill in the hour
“The Science is clear. And all we children are doing is communicating and acting on that united science” Greta Thunberg 23.7.19
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